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Message From Director

In the present worldwide scenario where the It and management education have made big success in India Late Amar Nath Shrivastava has a dream to established a engineering College in Mirzapur for catering to need of local youth his dream come to true when Nehru College was established to conduct BBA BCA MBA MCA B.Ed Diploma Traditional courses SHORT TERM COURSES :- DCA ADCA DTP approved by UGC & AICTE.

image of HOD

Mr. Pradeep Shrivastava

President [Nehru College]

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD

Mis. Vaishali Shrivasatav

Director [Nehru College]

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD

Mr. Amit Shrivasatva

Managing Director [Nehru College]

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD

Mr. Amit prajapati

Lecturer [Nehru College

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)


image of HOD

Mr. Pradeep Yadav

Admin [Nehru College]

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

Contact-Mobile:+91- 9125576537

image of HOD

Mr. Arvind chaturvedi

Lecturer English [Nehru College

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD

Mis. Neetu Singh

Lecturer Electrical Engneering [Nehru College]

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD

Mr. Rohit

Lecturer Electrical [Nehru College

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD


Lecturer English [Nehru College]

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)

image of HOD

Mr. Upendra

Lecturer Civil [Nehru College

Geeta Lon, Tempo Staind, Pakka Pokhar Road, Ramiptti, Mirzapur(u.p.)