BCA (Bachelar Of Computer Application)
In Bca you will find the diferrent subjects related to computer science like programming in C, Programming in C++, Computer Networks, Management Information System, Visual Basic, And System Analysis and Design. Now Bca Notes launches the new Feature "Upload The File" Now You can upload your file after reviewing your file we will Publish Them on BcaNotes.com with your name so that we can provide better information in easy way.
B.C.A. Subject Details
First Semester |
1 CS - 1 | Communication Skill |
2 CS - 2 | Problem Solving Methodologies & Programming in C |
3 CS - 3 | Computer Fundamental & Emerging Technology |
4 CS - 4 | Networking & Internet Environment |
5 CS - 5 | Practical Based on CS-04 & PC Software |
6 CS - 6 | Practical Based on CS-02 |
Second Semester |
1 CS - 7 | Data Structure using C Language |
2 CS - 8 | Developing Application using Visual Basic 6.0 |
3 CS - 9 | Computer Organization and Architecture |
4 CS - 10 | Mathematical & Statistical Foundation of Computer Science |
5 CS - 11 | Practical on CS-07 |
6 CS - 12 | Practical on CS-08 |
Third Semester |
1 CS - 13 | SAD, Software Quality Assurance and Testing |
2 CS - 14 | C++ and Object Oriented Programming |
3 CS - 15 | RDBMS Using Oracle |
4 CS - 16 | Web Development using PHP |
5 CS - 17 | Practical(based on CS-13&CS-14) |
6 CS - 18 | Practical (based on CS-15 & CS-16) |
Fourth Semester |
1 CS - 19 | Programming with JAVA |
2 CS - 20 | Programming with C# |
3 CS - 21 | Network Technology and Admin. |
4 CS - 22 | Operating Systems concepts with Unix/Linux |
5 CS - 23 | Practical (based on CS-19 |