Mission, Vision & Core Values
Strive to develop an institution of excellence in technical education & research to produce skilled and trained manpower of the highest quality Imbibing traditional cultural values to meet the growing technological & socioeconomic needs of our nation & the world at large.
To develop high quality technical education institution with emphasis on technical academic excellence, innovative research & development programmes with core human values.
To develop the potential of human resources to meet the requirements of cutting edge technology.
To instill discipline in students and make them technologically superior and ethically strong, To prepare all students for successful careers based on Strong Moral & Ethical Foundation.
To enable the students to develop their own abilities & talents in order to discover their teaming potential to the fullest under the privilege guidance of highly qualified and dedicated faculty
We are committed to fostering an environment where every member of the community understands and accepts responsibility for upholding and reinforcing our values.